Workforce | Paddle UK
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Workforce. A mascot interacting with spectators.


A successful event relies on having a good team of people involved who can make it happen.

Organising Committee

Having an organising committee is a really useful way to allocate roles and responsibilities to different people. This will share the workload across a team and allow people to use their own expertise effectively.

The size and type of event will determine the number of roles needed and the quantity of work involved, if it's a small event then people may be able to do multiple roles, if not then quite a few people may be involved.

Some of the key roles for an event may be:

  • Event Director/Manager/Chair
  • Safety Officer
  • Welfare Officer
  • Venue and Site management
  • Technical management – scheduling, officials, timing, results
  • Finance/Treasurer
  • Marketing and Comms
  • Catering
  • Accommodation
  • Medal Presentations
  • Workforce/Volunteers
  • Sponsorship

Once you have identified the roles required, then you can look to recruit people to deliver them. It's worth considering the amount of time a role will take (before, during and after the event), what skills it requires and what, if any, qualifications are needed (e.g. safety or welfare officer).

Once you have the roles and people identified, an organisation chart can show who is delivering each role and what they are responsible for.

Role Descriptions

For each role within the organising committee it is important to identify their responsibilities.

Event Organiser/Director/Manager/Chair

  • Leads meetings and co-ordinates work done by others
  • Negotiates with any venues or waterways or stakeholders needed for the event
  • Oversees the budget
  • Manages the overall project plan

Safety Officer

  • Completes risk assessment for the event
  • Attends the British Canoeing Event Safety Officer Training
  • Arranges any safety boat provision required
  • Monitor the event to ensure the risk assessment and safety regulations are being followed

Venue and Site management

  • Leads on the set-up and de-rig of the event
  • Ensures appropriate provisions are in place
  • Arranges and manages any additional providers who will be bringing things to site (e.g. toilets)
  • Management of waste

Technical management – scheduling, officials, results

  • Preparing and managing any competition elements of the event
  • Liaising with officials
  • Overseeing the collection and processing of results


  • Manages the overall event budget
  • Controls/monitors money coming in and out for the event
  • Ensuring invoices and expenses are paid
  • Collecting entry fees and other money owed to the event

Marketing and Comms

  • Promoting the event in advance through website, social media, local media, posters, club newsletters, etc.
  • Providing coverage during the event, e.g. latest results, photos, information
  • Writing up reports or reviews after the event


  • Ensure there is suitable provision for people on site – participants, volunteers, officials, spectators
  • Ensure food safety guidelines are followed if providing catering in-house
  • Management of waste (with the venue and site management lead)

Sport and Medal Presentations

  • Provide entertainment and information through PA system, music, announcers, etc. during the event
  • Arrange medals and/or prizes for any presentations
  • Plans when and how they will be presented
  • Considers opportunities to promote the event and the sport through the presentations


  • Supports the recruitment of volunteers and officials for the event
  • Ensures that volunteers are looked after during the event


  • Acts as the safeguarding officer for the event
  • Be the main point of contact for any concerns people may have or situations that arise
  • Have attended the Safeguarding and Protecting Children (or Home Nation equivalent) and NSPCC Time to Listen or In Safe Hands workshops or refresher courses in the last 3 years


  • Engages with potential partners to secure sponsorship or value in kind contributions
  • Ensures any sponsorship agreement is delivered against, e.g. branding or invitations

Additional Volunteers

As well as the core team of volunteers who may be involved in the planning of the event, there may well be additional volunteers who are needed to support the running of the event. They may not need extensive experience or training but without them the event wouldn't be possible.

The roles they are needed for could include:

  • Stewards – car parking, access to the water, restrict access to certain areas. If well briefed, they can also provide information and a friendly welcome to the event (first and last impressions matter).
  • Registration/Welcome – how do people sign up to take part in the event? If there is some sort of sign-up process for this, then you will need people to supervise it and potentially distribute information or equipment, e.g. race numbers.
  • Timing and scoring – if you are running a competition, then depending on the system you use you may need people to be involved with the timing or scoring of races (e.g. operating stopwatches or judging).
  • Photographer/reporter/social media – you may want to document and celebrate what happens at your event so it's worth having someone who is responsible for this. Without this, it's easy to finish the event and realise there are no photos or social media posts available as people didn't get a chance to take them.
  • First Aiders – for most events, first aid will be done in-house so it's important to ensure there is suitable provision on site with a volunteer/s who are trained and with the right equipment/facility.
  • Catering – if you are offering catering and doing it in-house, then it's likely that you'll need a team of people to prepare and distribute food.
  • Announcer/Commentary – you may want to have someone who is responsible for putting out announcements, playing music or providing commentary through the event. Some people will hate the idea of having to speak publically, potentially through a microphone, but others will love it so it's best to find the right person.

As well as the roles themselves, there are a few other things to consider:

  • Do you have enough so that people can take breaks or swap roles throughout the day?
  • What is your critical number of volunteers in each role – e.g. what is the absolute minimum that you need to make the event run safely?
  • What information do you need to provide the volunteers prior to arrival – parking, what to wear and bring, where to report to, what is happening when, do they get water/food or bring it themselves, emergency procedures?
  • Do any of the roles require DBS checks or safeguarding qualifications?

Recruiting Volunteers

There are various places that you may be able to find volunteers, including:

  • Within the club – this could be paddlers, friends and family
  • Neighbouring clubs – it may be that you could run joint events to share the workload and experience.
  • Discipline Committees – again they can advertise for roles you need, specifically the sport specific roles in their community.
  • Local community groups – many local authorities or community groups will have channels to attract volunteers, e.g. Lee Valley Volunteering.
  • Uniformed groups – your local scouts, guides, cadets may have an interest in paddling and are always on the lookout for volunteering opportunities.
  • Local partners – there may be local businesses that offer staff the opportunity to volunteer with local community events or would be happy to do so in exchange for a chance to go paddling!

In order to recruit through these channels, you will need to consider and detail:

  • What volunteer roles you need and what the roles involve.
  • When they will be required and for how long.
  • If the roles are open to any age or only to adults. If you are using juniors, then it's important to consider the safeguarding implications.
  • Any experience required and/or training that will be provided.
  • What volunteers will be provided with (e.g. travel expenses, lunch, t-shirts).
  • What are the benefits of being involved, e.g. being part of the event, playing a part in a team, giving something back.

Once you have this information, it may be worth creating:

  • Adverts to highlight what is needed, e.g. physical or electronic flyer.
  • Sign up sheet, e.g. a google form, survey monkey or contact email address to be able to collate all the required details.


Prior to the event, it's important to make sure that everyone involved in delivering the event knows how the event will run. Releasing an event plan can help to cover the majority of this but a briefing on the day can help to reinforce the key messages and cover any late changes.

Some of the things you may want to cover in a briefing are:

  • Welcome and thank you
  • What is the plan for the day?
  • Any last minute changes which need communicating
  • Key health and safety messages – emergency procedures, weather, car parking
  • Key FAQs and answers that participants/spectators may have
  • Any questions from workforce

Communicating during the Event

It is important to know how best to communicate with your workforce, particularly given the layout of your site.

There are a few options which may be relevant:

  • If it is a small site, then face-to-face communication may be sufficient.
  • If it is a large site, then as long as there is mobile phone signal or wi-fi available, phone calls or messaging may be appropriate, as long as numbers can be shared and are accessible to people throughout the event. Consider a laminated card of useful numbers if people may be out in the rain for long periods.
  • VHF radios may be useful if regular communication is needed across a reasonable distance. These can be purchased reasonably cheaply or hired for events, depending on the quantity needed.

The key thing to ensure is that all of the workforce know who the first point of contact is in an emergency and has an effective way of communicating with them.


It is sometimes helpful to provide the workforce with some kind of uniform or kit. This allows participants and others to easily identify them.

The size and duration of the event will determine the quantity of type of kit required but may include:

  • T-shirt
  • Jumper/jacket
  • Cap

Branded clothing can be sourced relatively cheaply, however, it is also worth considering if it can be created with a reusable design to improve the sustainability of it. A local company or sponsor might cover the cost in return for having their logo on the kit.


The event workforce are likely to incur some expenses for an event so it is worth at least considering whether or not these will be reimbursed.

It may be for a small local event that the only expenses many people incur are their travel to the regular club venue, in which case it may not be required. If, however, there is significant travel involved (e.g. to collect equipment) or an individual buys a number of things for the event (refreshments, stationary, etc.) then it may be necessary to reimburse them.

It is important to communicate any expenses policy to people in advance so that issues don't arise after money has already been spent.

A club may have a wider expenses policy which can be used, alternatively the template and example below may be useful.

Succession Planning

If an event is regularly delivered then it's important to consider who will organise, deliver and support it in the future. There are numerous events that no longer take place because the key organisers are no longer involved.

There are a few ways to reduce the risk of changes in personnel, including:

  • Documenting lots of detail about how the event runs, key decisions that have been made and contacts of other people involved.
  • Identifying people who may be able to support in the future and involve them in other roles at earlier events, e.g. as part of the organising committee or shadowing more experienced organisers.
  • Actively encourage new volunteers or a rotation of volunteers to avoid a perception that an event is organised and delivered by a fixed group.

Other Tools in the Toolkit

Whilst it's not the most glamorous part of organising an event, there are certain areas of compliance that are important to consider. Getting these things right from the outset will…

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We all have a responsibility for our environment. It is important that from the outset you consider any measures you can put in place to make the event sustainable and…

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The principles of finance and budgeting are the same no matter how big or small the event is. It is important before you commit to running an event that you…

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When starting to organise an event there are a range of questions you first need to consider. We will cover these first and then set out some top tips further…

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The marketing and promotion of any event is essential in making sure members, potential participants and the wider public are aware of the event. Building awareness and excitement for your…

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Ideally on the day of an event, as an organsier your role will be to oversee the event and to ensure that everything is going to plan. There will always…

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It's really important that you communicate with participants effectively. Not only will this help to enhance their experience but it will also make the event run more smoothly from an…

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A key to organising a successful event is to ensure that effective plans are in place so that people involved know what needs to happen and when. Project Plan A…

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As an event organiser, it is critical that you consider the welfare of those attending the event, whether as participants, workforce or spectators. This is particularly relevant for children, young…

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Safety is the most important part of organising an event. This section of the toolkit is designed to provide clubs and event organisers with an effective guide on planning and…

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The majority of events will have some element of spectator involvement, whether that's a couple of parents who are there while their children participate or significant numbers of people. Ticketing…

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As well as delivering a quality activity, it is important that it is well presented so that people can understand and enjoy it. Equipment There are a few things that…

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This section provides a basic overview of things you may wish to consider on site during an event. If you are running a larger event then there is significantly more…

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Contact Events Team

If you have a question about the events toolkit or events generally, please contact the events team through the contact form linked below.

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Coming Soon

On the water 3-5 year prices

3 Year Youth Price

Under 15 Years…£115

16 Years…£95

17 Years…£103

3 Year Young Person Price

18 Years…£111

19 Years…£111

20 Years…£111

21 Years…£121

5 Year Youth Price

Under 13 Years…£145

13 Years…£153

14 Years…£153

15 Years…£161

16 Years…£169

17 Years…£177

5 Year Young Person Price

18 Years…£185

19 Years…£195

20 Years…£205

21 Years…£215

Great choice! First step is your postcode...

Membership is determined by where you live in the UK. So, enter your residential postcode below and we can signpost you. Note that Scotland and Northern Ireland membership do not come with a waterways licence. No licence is required to paddle in these countries. Only waterways in England and Wales require a licence. If you are unsure use our waterways licence look up.

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Paddle Scotland

As you reside in POSTCODE you need to join Paddle Scotland. Note that Scotland membership doesn’t include a waterways licence. No licence is needed to paddle in Scotland.

Use the button below to visit the Paddle Scotland website to learn more about membership and to join.

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Paddle Northern Ireland

As you reside in POSTCODE you need to join Paddle Northern Ireland. Note that Northern Ireland membership doesn’t include a waterways licence. No licence is needed to paddle in Northern Ireland.

Use the button below to visit the Paddle Northern Ireland website to learn more about membership and to join.

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Canoe Wales

As you reside in POSTCODE you need to join Canoe Wales.

Use the button below to visit the Canoe Wales website to learn more about membership and to join.