Our Approach To Our Work | Paddle UK
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Two women in sit on tops talking. Stronger Together Strategy.
Our Approach

Stronger Together Strategy

Stronger Together is British Canoeing's (Paddle UK’s) four-year strategy to support, grow and celebrate paddling in England and the UK. It builds on the work and

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Safeguarding and Safety. Paddlers practising safety and rescue.
Our Approach

Safeguarding and Safety

Here you will find information about Paddle UK’s strategy for Safeguarding and Safety and access a downloadable copy of our Safer Together Strategy.

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Mixed group of paddlers. The Paddle UK People Strategy.
Our Approach

People Strategy

People are at the heart of Paddle UK and our People Strategy outlines how we attract, retain and develop our people. Employee engagement is the

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Check Your Waterway

Becoming a member of PaddleUK gives you the best value waterways licence around. Simply become a member and you are covered for over 4,500km of water. Start to type a river, canal or lake below to find out if your waterway covered by membership. Don't know your nearest waterway? Then enter your full postcode and it'll return all the waterways in a 30-mile radius of the location with the nearest first.

Press tab to go to the first result

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On the water 3-5 year prices

3 Year Youth Price

Under 15 Years…£87

16 Years…£95

17 Years…£103

3 Year Young Person Price

18 Years…£111

19 Years…£111

20 Years…£111

21 Years…£121

5 Year Youth Price

Under 13 Years…£145

13 Years…£153

14 Years…£153

15 Years…£161

16 Years…£169

17 Years…£177

5 Year Young Person Price

18 Years…£185

19 Years…£195

20 Years…£205

21 Years…£215

Great choice! First step is your postcode...

Membership is determined by where you live in the UK. So, enter your residential postcode below and we can signpost you. Note that Scotland and Northern Ireland membership do not come with a waterways licence. No licence is required to paddle in these countries. Only waterways in England and Wales require a licence. If you are unsure use our waterways licence look up.

Looks like you need to join
Paddle Scotland

As you reside in POSTCODE you need to join Paddle Scotland. Note that Scotland membership doesn’t include a waterways licence. No licence is needed to paddle in Scotland.

Use the button below to visit the Paddle Scotland website to learn more about membership and to join.

Looks like you need to join
Paddle Northern Ireland

As you reside in POSTCODE you need to join Paddle Northern Ireland. Note that Northern Ireland membership doesn’t include a waterways licence. No licence is needed to paddle in Northern Ireland.

Use the button below to visit the Paddle Northern Ireland website to learn more about membership and to join.

Looks like you need to join
Canoe Wales

As you reside in POSTCODE you need to join Canoe Wales.

Use the button below to visit the Canoe Wales website to learn more about membership and to join.