Compliance | Paddle UK
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A mix of paddlers in kayaks. Use for event toolkit compliance page.


Whilst it's not the most glamorous part of organising an event, there are certain areas of compliance that are important to consider. Getting these things right from the outset will help to keep everyone involved with the event safe and protected.

Data Protection

When organising an event, there are a number of different reasons why you may need to collect personal data. For instance, personal data may be collected when:

  1. People register to attend an event (name, address, contact details).
  2. People compete in events (name, address, contact details, emergency contact details, relevant medical details, competition results).
  3. People purchase tickets to an event (might include name, contact details, address, card details).
  4. People participate in other activities at events (name, address, contact details, emergency contact details, parental consent).
  5. People register their email/address for the purpose of receiving marketing/promotional material.
  6. People are photographed or videoed at an event.

Whenever you collect and process personal data you must be satisfied that you have a legal basis to do so. In this respect, it must fall within one of the six legal reasons outlined in the relevant data protection legislation. These are as follows:

  • You have proof of consent from the person whose data you are processing.
  • You need to process the data for contractual reasons.
  • You need to process the data to meet a legal obligation.
  • You need to process the data for the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person.
  • You need to process the data because it is in the public interest to do so.
  • You have a legitimate interest in processing the data.

Data Privacy Policy

Under Data Protection law, you must also outline to individuals at the point you collect their data how, why and for what purpose you are collecting their data. This is best achieved in a Data Privacy Policy or Data Privacy Statement.

This statement should include:

  • Your purpose for collecting and processing their personal data;
  • What personal data you are gathering;
  • The lawful basis for processing their data;
  • How long their data will be stored for;
  • Any security mechanisms in place with regards to the data;
  • Any third parties the data may be shared with – consider whether some data will be shared publicly, e.g. if you are publishing results;
  • The rights available to individuals in respect of the processing;
  • The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Further information on what information you need to provide to people when gathering their data in different circumstances can be found via the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

Membership and Insurance

Paddle UK clubs and discipline committees are covered to organise events through the Paddle UK Public and Products Liability insurance.

Paddle UK individual members also have this cover so can participate in any event. They also have a waterways license as part of their membership so can paddle on any waterways which require it.

Members of affiliated clubs are insured for recognised sessions and activities of that club, including events that the club organises.

Members of other affiliated clubs or paddlers who are not members of Paddle UK who wish to participate in an event will need to purchase a day ticket to participate. They will not, however, have a waterways license so this may need to be sourced elsewhere.

If an event, e.g. a club open day, is open to members of the public who are not members of Paddle UK but who may be interested in joining, individuals are insured for a maximum of 6 initial “taster” sessions.

For indemnity to apply it is essential that the club records their name, address and dates of attendance. These details must be retained as they may be called upon in the event of a claim.


Everyone has a duty to protect clean sport. We want to know when we compete or watch sport that it's the real deal – that there is integrity in sport. Cheating in any form undermines the spirit of sport and the efforts of clean athletes.

Paddle UK works in partnership with UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) and the International Canoe Federation (ICF) to ensure that the integrity of our sport is protected.

Paddle UK encourages everyone to share the message of Clean Sport. If you would like some resources or are interested in running a workshop for participants, please contact Paddle UK and ask for the anti-doping lead.

UK Anti-Doping and the International Canoe Federation manage the testing of athletes and select which events to test at. It is likely that they will turn up unannounced and will make themselves known to the Event Organiser.

Other Tools in the Toolkit

We all have a responsibility for our environment. It is important that from the outset you consider any measures you can put in place to make the event sustainable and…

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The principles of finance and budgeting are the same no matter how big or small the event is. It is important before you commit to running an event that you…

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When starting to organise an event there are a range of questions you first need to consider. We will cover these first and then set out some top tips further…

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The marketing and promotion of any event is essential in making sure members, potential participants and the wider public are aware of the event. Building awareness and excitement for your…

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Ideally on the day of an event, as an organsier your role will be to oversee the event and to ensure that everything is going to plan. There will always…

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It's really important that you communicate with participants effectively. Not only will this help to enhance their experience but it will also make the event run more smoothly from an…

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A key to organising a successful event is to ensure that effective plans are in place so that people involved know what needs to happen and when. Project Plan A…

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As an event organiser, it is critical that you consider the welfare of those attending the event, whether as participants, workforce or spectators. This is particularly relevant for children, young…

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Safety is the most important part of organising an event. This section of the toolkit is designed to provide clubs and event organisers with an effective guide on planning and…

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The majority of events will have some element of spectator involvement, whether that's a couple of parents who are there while their children participate or significant numbers of people. Ticketing…

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As well as delivering a quality activity, it is important that it is well presented so that people can understand and enjoy it. Equipment There are a few things that…

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This section provides a basic overview of things you may wish to consider on site during an event. If you are running a larger event then there is significantly more…

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A successful event relies on having a good team of people involved who can make it happen. Organising Committee Having an organising committee is a really useful way to allocate…

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Contact Events Team

If you have a question about the events toolkit or events generally, please contact the events team through the contact form linked below.

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On the water 3-5 year prices

3 Year Youth Price

Under 15 Years…£87

16 Years…£95

17 Years…£103

3 Year Young Person Price

18 Years…£111

19 Years…£111

20 Years…£111

21 Years…£121

5 Year Youth Price

Under 13 Years…£145

13 Years…£153

14 Years…£153

15 Years…£161

16 Years…£169

17 Years…£177

5 Year Young Person Price

18 Years…£185

19 Years…£195

20 Years…£205

21 Years…£215

Great choice! First step is your postcode...

Membership is determined by where you live in the UK. So, enter your residential postcode below and we can signpost you. Note that Scotland and Northern Ireland membership do not come with a waterways licence. No licence is required to paddle in these countries. Only waterways in England and Wales require a licence. If you are unsure use our waterways licence look up.

Looks like you need to join
Paddle Scotland

As you reside in POSTCODE you need to join Paddle Scotland. Note that Scotland membership doesn’t include a waterways licence. No licence is needed to paddle in Scotland.

Use the button below to visit the Paddle Scotland website to learn more about membership and to join.

Looks like you need to join
Paddle Northern Ireland

As you reside in POSTCODE you need to join Paddle Northern Ireland. Note that Northern Ireland membership doesn’t include a waterways licence. No licence is needed to paddle in Northern Ireland.

Use the button below to visit the Paddle Northern Ireland website to learn more about membership and to join.

Looks like you need to join
Canoe Wales

As you reside in POSTCODE you need to join Canoe Wales.

Use the button below to visit the Canoe Wales website to learn more about membership and to join.